Evolutionary History

Evolutionary History


Although little is known about platypus evolution, many fossil species have been found that show characteristics of the modern day platypus. Fossil evidence in South America shows that the platypus lineage has been around at least 62,000,000 years. The extinct monotremes Tienolophos and Steropodon were closely related to the modern platypus, with fossils of these species dating back at least 120,000,000 yrs ago into the Cretaceous period. This means that monotremes evolved alongside dinosaurs.  In fact, it is believed that monotremes were the first mammals to evolve on our planet, as there is fossil evidence of ancient monotreme ancestors, such as Monotrematum sudamericanum, in both Australia and South America. These date back more than 300,000,000 years ago, to a time when the two continents were part of the same super-continent known as Gondwana.


Mammal Evolution

Fossils of the present-day platypus have been discovered dating back to the Quaternary period (100,000 years ago). Since that time, the platypus has evolved many unique adaptations to help it survive and reproduce in its riparian environment. This includes its webbed feet, duck-billed nose with electrophotoreceptors to locate prey, a beaver-like tail, venomous spurs, and a thick, dense, waterproof fur.

  1. my name is jeff


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